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Friday, 19 August 2011

Tossing the Dummy

Soothers, pacifiers, dummies, binkies...many names for the prop we as parents choose to help soothe our little ones.  For newborns, it is used to help satisfy that need to suck and to help settle them.  Some babies get attached to their thumbs and some get attached to the pacifier.  For us, our little girl didn't really need a soother to go to sleep in the beginning.  It wasn't until she turned 1 and we went overseas that she or maybe it was us, became dependent on it for soothing her to go to sleep.

Now that she is turning 20 months, we decided to try and take it away from her.  We are on day 5 now and it seems she is still crying herself to sleep...the longest has been 30min and then waking in the night crying/whining for her soother.  I feel like the bad mom every night when I let her cry and scream until she falls asleep.  Yesterday I started to second guess myself and thought maybe I should have waited for her to get rid of it herself?  Then I tried to remind myself that it will get harder if we wait longer., she fought her nap, but only cried 10min before falling asleep.  Hopefully, tonight will be better, crossing fingers....

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