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Monday, 5 September 2011

It's all about positivity!

So today we had a great little moment between big sis and little bro. As I was in the kitchen, all I could hear were Baby A's giggles and S's jumping up and down, throwing down a wet cloth onto the floor. S was making her little brother laugh! It was really cute and I really wish I could have got it on video! S is still teething, but we had much brighter moments today and I tried my best to use some of the suggestions from Positive Discipline: The First Three Years. This includes encouraging autonomy and trying to get toddlers involved instead of doing everything for them. For example, I let her drink from a normal cup and instead of getting upset when she spilled, including her in the cleanup.

I finished reading this book on the weekend and I highly recommend it if you have kids 0-3. It was recommended to me by a very dear friend when I asked her for some help with disciplining S. It covers everything from sleeping, eating, discipline and development so that you can understand where your kids are at in their development. It's easy to expect so much from our children that we forget sometimes they just aren't ready for certain situations. I've also learned a lot about myself in the process and I know I'll continue making mistakes, but the emphasis is on that we can all learn from them. I also have to keep reminding myself that I have to watch how I behave as we are their greatest models at this stage and we need to model the behaviour we expect from our little ones. So I'm gonna try my best and hopefully little S follows suit :)

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