I decided to start compiling some of my must-have favourite mommy gear that I rarely leave home without! A few of my friends have been either getting preggars or just had their babies and they often ask me what is needed when you're going to have a baby. So here goes...
1. The Ergobaby Carrier
When we had S, we tried all different carriers. We started out with the Baby Buddha Carrier which is sort of like a pouch/sling which is quite easy to use and comfortable when S was quite small. Then we got the Pikkolo carrier which was great for me, but not so comfortable for my husband. So we moved onto the Sleepywrap which was great for both of us and because it's one big piece of fabric, you don't need different sizes; however, that got harder to wear as S got bigger and heavier which brought us finally to the Ergobaby carrier. By the way, the Sleepywrap is great from newborn up and I used it with baby A until HK summer arrived and it got too hot to wear. With the Ergo, we chose the sport carrier as the material is a bit lighter. We got black since it was the only colour but now they carry it in blue and red! The ergo is super comfortable for me, hubby, and baby. It's recommended to use from 4 months up but if you want to use it from newborn, you just need to purchase the insert. Don't forget to get the sucking pads too so that you can just wash those and not the carrier everytime you use it. We also now have the Ergo original as it has a nice big pocket on the front so you can have pacifiers and keys handy if you don't want to carry a big bag for little errands.
2. Miracle Blanket
I wish we knew about this one before S was born, but when we did find out about it, it was GREAT! The first week or 2, the regular swaddling blankets were fine, like the Grobag swaddle, and the Aden and Anais blankets. However, these little babies get very strong and can get those little arms out and wake themselves up! The Miracle blanket makes it almost impossible for that to happen. There are 2 extra little flaps where you can secure their little arms in and then wrap the 2 other flaps around them so they can sleep a little longer. S is now only using her Grobag sleeping bags at night now to prevent climbing out of the cot as one of the main reason. We now are trying to transition baby A into the sleeping bag. First keeping one arm out of the swaddle and also using the Halo sleepsack once in awhile to see how he sleeps with arms out.
3. Lansinoh Lanolin ointment
If you are breastfeeding, this is an essential product to have and bring some along with you to the hospital before baby arrives. With S, I had a much more challenging time breastfeeding and this stuff was a huge lifesaver. Even though baby A had an easier time, I still use this stuff EVERY day!
4. Medela Freestyle Breast pump
If you're planning to go back to work and still breastfeed, then you're probably going to be looking to buy a breast pump. You can also rent them, but I knew that I would be having more than one baby so I wanted to purchase one. I was definitely not going to do manual pumping so electric was the only way to go. The freestyle had the smallest pump machine and it also gives the option of double pumping if needed. I also found it could easily fit into my bag and it wasn't as noisy as some pumps that I have seen. The set also gave me the storage bag with an ice pack for easy transport.
5. Muslins
I needed all kinds of sizes of muslins. The Aden and Anais ones are beautiful and soft and are versatile in that you can use them as a swaddle, a nursing cover, a shade for baby while they're in the pram or carseat. But you will also need some smaller ones like these which are good for spit ups and reflux-y babies like mine are.
To be continued as both babies wake from their naps...
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